Category Building Science

Building Science

A great post on the topic of one architect’s “building science headache”. I agree.

Swedish Framing

First, a look at factory production framing in Sweden. The mineral-wool insulation fits perfectly. Nice butterfly table.

Greenhouse Gases: Infographic

I didn’t know that I, or rather the per-capita-USA-citizen I, put eighteen tons of CO2 into the atmosphere last year. 36,000 pounds. Just me.

Kuroshio Sea

A single 22.5 m x 8.2 m x 60 cm acrylic glass panel at the aquarium in Okinawa. OK – sure – a Dubai aquarium has a slightly larger panel measuring 32.8 m x 8.3 m x 75 cm. One hundred and seven feet long. Thirty inches thick. Thirty feet high. 270 tons.


The video will calm us down (please: full screen, HD) while we ponder the impossible logistics of moving around such an object and installing it in a building. Without leaks.

We appreciate the twenty or thirty thousand creatures living here all the more, after pondering this, raising more important questions, I think, than how did they get the glass in.

Analog: Crutch of Authenticity

analog (also analogue)
noun: a thing seen as comparable to another : the idea that the fertilized egg contains a miniature analog of every adult structure.
adjective: relating to or using signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical quantity such as spatial position or voltage. Often contrasted with digital.

Angry Birds

Glass is Air, Windows are Trees, Buildings are Sky

Every year millions of birds die by striking reflective or clear window glass in full flight.

National Geographic’s introductory video.

Building Materials Reuse

A useful link: